Highland Hollow Farms
Highland cattle
Shetland Sheep
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Highland cattle
At Highland Hollow Farms We breed only cattle registered with the American Highland Cattle assoc.
The Highland breed has lived in the rugged Scottish Highlands for centuries. They are very well suited to our hilly wooded acres in west central Wisconsin. Today Highlands are found throughout North America. Highlands require little in the way of shelter, feed supplements, or expensive grains to achieve and maintain good condition. Highland cattle seem to enjoy conditions in which many other breeds would perish. Cold weather and snow have little effect on them. They also adapt well to the more southerly climates with successful herds as far south as Texas. Less than ideal pasture or range is another reason to consider the Highland breed. It has been said that the Highland will eat what other cattle pass by and get fat on it. The Highland is also an excellent browse, able to clear brush with speed and efficiency.
Highland Beef
The business end of any beef farmer is the quality of the beef it produces. The Highland carcass is ideally suited to meet this challenge. Highland beef is meat that is lean, well marbled and flavorful, with little outside waste. The Highland is insulated by long hair rather than a thick layer of fat. In the British Isles, Highland beef is recognized as choice beef. The British Royal family keeps a large herd of Highlands at Balmoral Castle, near Braemar, Scotland, and considers them their beef animal of choice.